
The FACS App

Last updated on 14-Oct-2018 by fnl

Apps in Scifeon

This is merely an example of how an app can be made.

A thorough guide for making apps in Scifeon can be found here.

The FACS App

The FACS app is a custom app developed by Scifeon. The app is based on the Bavarian use-case and has replaced their previous file-based data management system.

The main focus of the app is the ability to seamlessly read .csv files from FACS machines and convert it into Scifeon data entities.

The app also introduces several validation and analysis features.

A user guide describing the functionalities of the app can be found here.

Example Guide

The Scifeon FACS app introduces changes to datatypes, dashboards, entity pages and much more. In this section we will present four TypeScript classes exemplifying some of the functionalities found within the app. As a whole, the classes work together to read Excel files created by cell sorting software, convert the results to Scifeon entities and display these in the experiment entity view.

Each class can be accessed by clicking the class name in the navigationsmenu or by clicking the link below:

  • AppFlowCytDataLoaderDivaCSV: The main data loader. This class contains functions used by the Scifeon interface view, managing file metadata and entities.
  • ReadPopulationsDivaV1: The primary data converter. This class converts data from a .csv file to Scifeon entities.
  • ReadPopulationsDivaV2: The secondary data converter. This class is similar to the previous one but is capable of converting a newer format.
  • ResultRendererFACSPopulations: The renderer. This class creates a custom view in the experiment entity view, displaying the uploaded entities.