Setup computer
Last updated on 06-Jul-2020 by Jakob Jakobsen Boysen

On this page
On this page you can find everything needed to get up and running with your first app developed for Scifeon.
Before you begin
To complete this tutorial, you'll need the following:
- Your favourite IDE or text editor - we recommend Visual Studio Code
- Port 5000 free on your system
- NodeJS
- Git for versioning code
- The Scifeon CLI tool
Setting up your development environment
1. Install NodeJS
- Download NodeJS - we recommend the latest version, but LTS will suffice
- Install NodeJS on your computer
- Verify that NodeJS and NPM has been installed by opening a Command Prompt (+R, type
and pressEnter
) and enternode -v
andnpm -v
. You should see something similar to this:
2. Install the Scifeon CLI
- Open a Command Prompt (on Windows: +R, type
and pressEnter
) and typenpm install @scifeon/sdk -g
and pressEnter
. - Verify that Scifeon CLI is install by entering
scifeon-cli -v
. You should see something similar to this:
C:\Users\User>scifeon-cli -v
For further reference, see the documentation for Scifeon CLI.
3. Install Git and VSCode
Go to the links found above and install Git and VSCode.
Next step: Create your first app
You are now ready to start developing your first app: Click here to learn how to create and run your first App!