Developer / Reference / HTTP API / Endpoints


Last updated on 22-Aug-2024 by Jakob Jakobsen Boysen
Jakob Jakobsen Boysen

Platform Lead

Get entities

GET /api/entity/{eClass}

Get entities of class. Returns first 500 entities. The nextSkip value can be used as input for next $skip query parameter.


Path parameters

  • eClass The entity class to query

Query parameters

The following query parameters are documented in detail in the OData specification:

  • $top Number. Limits result count.
  • $skip Number. Requests the number of results to be skipped. $top and $skip can be used in conjunction to page results, e.g. ?$skip=20&$top=10 will request 10 items after the first 20 are skipped, i.e. page 3.
  • $select Strings, split by a comma. Returns only properties specified. E.g. ?$select=Prop1,Prop2.
  • $orderby Strings, split by comma. Sort result by property. E.g. $orderby=Prop1,Prop2 desc sorts ascending by Prop1 and then descending by Prop2.
  • $filter String, split by and. Filters the result. See supported filters here


Example 1

Get all InProgress and Completed Experiments created by JJB sorted by last modified:

Example 2

Get all experiments with paging:

Get entity

GET /api/entity/{eClass}/{id}

Get a specific entity based on entity class and id.


Path parameters

  • eClass The entity class
  • id The ID of the entity


Create/update entities

POST /api/entity

Create new entities or update existing entities.



  • entities The entities to create or update. The eClass is required. If id is set and is found in the database, an existing entity will be updated with the given property values.

Functional notation:

  • # Used for referencing an id, name, or barcode variable. The variable will be replaced with auto-generated IDs by backend, or the alias it refers to.
  • # in conjunction with ., e.g. refers to the name of a entity with id #idReq.
  • ! Used for switching eClass prefix. Can only be used on id variables. Changes auto-generated ID from default eClass prefix to written eClass prefix.

# and ! can be used together in ID fields, e.g. "id": "#idRef!nameSeq".

Special properties:

  • notes: A list of notes that will have the entity in question as subject.
  • files: A list of files that will have the entity in question as subject.
  • input for Step: StepInput associated records are created based on this.

Default values:

The following properties have defaults:

  • name: fallback to ID
  • userID: fallback to currently logged in user
  • departmentID: fallback to currently logged in user's department
  • status: Initial, unless datamodel states differently
  • type: Other

These audit properties are not editable and set automatically: createdBy, createdUtc, modifiedBy, modifiedUtc, version.


The created entities:

Example 1

Reference a new entity in a foreign key field parentID:

Example 2

Use a sequence with the ID "nameSeq" for generating the id:

Example 3

Upload files and add notes:

Example 3

Use same name in a new entity in a field:

Clone entity

POST /api/entity/{eClass}/{id}

Clone existing entity.


Path parameters

  • eClass The entity class of the entity to clone
  • id The ID of the entity to clone


Where key1, key2, etc. refers to keys of the entity to clone. The keys are overrides. E.g. if the entity has a name property, you can override it with a new value.

Notice attributes can be set both with a dot-notation and as an object. The attributes of the entity to clone are merged with the overrides.


The cloned entity:

Example 1

Clone a Sample and refer the new Sample to the cloned Sample:

  • Request: POST /api/entity/Sample/S0001
  • Response: