Developer / Reference / HTTP API / OData

Supported $filter

Last updated on 19-Nov-2023 by Jakob Jakobsen Boysen
Jakob Jakobsen Boysen

Platform Lead

The following operators are supported:

Operator Example(s) Explanation Standard OData operator
and Name eq 'ES' and Value eq 14 Yes
eq Name eq 'SomeName'
Value eq 2
Equals Yes
lt Value lt 610 Less than Yes
gt Value gt 610 Greater than Yes
ge Value ge 610 Greater than or equal to Yes
le Value le 610 Less than or equal to Yes
ne Name ne 'EXPORT' Different from (not equal) Yes
endswith endswith(Name,'RT') Returns all records where name ends with. Yes
startswith startswith(Name, 'S') Returns all records where name starts with. Yes
contains contains(Name, 'urn') Returns all records where name contains. Yes
in Name in ('name1', 'name2') Returns all records where name is exactly on of the given values. No
not_in Name in ('name1', 'name2') Returns all records where name is exactly on of the given values. No
isnull Value isnull Returns all records where value is null. No
isnotnull Value isnotnull Returns all records where value is not null. No
isempty Name isempty Returns all records where name is empty, i.e. null or ''. No
isnotempty Name isnotempty Returns all records where name is not empty, i.e. not null or ''. No
template CreatedBy template '!me' Returns all records where CreatedBy is the currently signed in user. No