Mettler Toledo
Mettler Toledo SevenExcellence pH/mV conductivity meter
USB-RS Auxiliary Instrument Adapter and DB9 Serial DCE Adapter Cable with FTDI from Startech.
- Connect cable to the Scifeon InstrumentHub
- Configure HubDevice in Scifeon and use the preset configuration
- Reconnect the cable in the Scifeon InstrumentHub
- From the homepage, Click Setup
- Click Hardware
- Scroll down to Auxiliary Instruments
- Open the default item or create a new one
- Ensure the following settings
- Baud rate: 9600
- Data bits: 8
- Stop bits: 1
- Parity: None
- Handshake: None
- Create Methods for the types of measurements that you would like to send to Scifeon
- Add Auxiliary Instrument as a Method Function to the method.
- If it is not there, click Insert
- In the bottom of the list, click the insert button again in the right side
- Select the Method Function Auxiliary Instrument
- Click the Auxiliary Instrument Method Function in the list
- Select the Auxiliary Instrument configured in step 8
- Ensure that Send Output Sequence is checked
- Edit the Output Sequence to "%U% pH" if it is a pH measurement. Add the text/unit yourself
- %U% is replaced with the value.
- Check the Reference manual for more possibilities
- Make a test reading and optionally add the method to the home screen
- Configure the Value-, and Unit Pattern according the the Output Sequence