User Guides / Scifeon InstrumentHub

Mettler Toledo

Last updated on 28-Oct-2024 by Jakob Jakobsen Boysen
Jakob Jakobsen Boysen

Platform Lead
, Stephan Boersma
Stephan Boersma


Mettler Toledo SevenExcellence pH/mV conductivity meter


USB-RS Auxiliary Instrument Adapter and DB9 Serial DCE Adapter Cable with FTDI from Startech.


  1. Connect cable to the Scifeon InstrumentHub
  2. Configure HubDevice in Scifeon and use the preset configuration
  3. Reconnect the cable in the Scifeon InstrumentHub
  4. From the homepage, Click Setup
  5. Click Hardware
  6. Scroll down to Auxiliary Instruments
  7. Open the default item or create a new one
  8. Ensure the following settings
    • Baud rate: 9600
    • Data bits: 8
    • Stop bits: 1
    • Parity: None
    • Handshake: None
  9. Create Methods for the types of measurements that you would like to send to Scifeon
  10. Add Auxiliary Instrument as a Method Function to the method.
    • If it is not there, click Insert
    • In the bottom of the list, click the insert button again in the right side
    • Select the Method Function Auxiliary Instrument
  11. Click the Auxiliary Instrument Method Function in the list
  12. Select the Auxiliary Instrument configured in step 8
  13. Ensure that Send Output Sequence is checked
  14. Edit the Output Sequence to "%U% pH" if it is a pH measurement. Add the text/unit yourself
    • %U% is replaced with the value.
    • Check the Reference manual for more possibilities
  15. Make a test reading and optionally add the method to the home screen
  16. Configure the Value-, and Unit Pattern according the the Output Sequence