Create your first page
Last updated on 06-Jul-2020 by Jakob Jakobsen Boysen

On this page
A page in Scifeon is what you can access though the address-bar in the browser, e.g. the ELN page is access through the URL http://localhost:5000/#/eln/EX123
. Follow these steps to create a new page:
In the /src
-folder add two new files:
import { scifeonRoute, PagePlugin } from "@scifeon/plugins";
route: "my-new-page",
title: "My New Page"
export class MyNewPage implements PagePlugin {
This is my new page!
The Scifeon SDK automatically picks up these new files, rebuilds your app, and installs the changes. This page can now be accessed in the browser using this URL: http://localhost:5000/#/my-new-page
Next step: Create a panel
You are now ready to create your first panel in the new app: Click here to learn how to create your first panel