User Guides

Uploading Your First Results in 15 Minutes

Last updated on 29-Aug-2018 by Jakob Jakobsen Boysen
Jakob Jakobsen Boysen

Platform Lead
, Thomas P. Boesen
Thomas P. Boesen


You can save your research results very easily in Scifeon. In the following we will walk you through uploading your first results.

0. Download and run Scifeon locally (optional)

If you don't have access to Scifeon in the cloud, you can download and run Scifeon locally by using this guide.

When Scifeon is running, please login with the username user and password 12345678.

1. Prepare spreadsheet

To begin, create an Excel file with your results. You can use this example file as a template.

Notice how the Sample column in the results section (rows 20 and down) match the sample name specified in column B of the samples section (rows 14 through 18). More information on building Scifeon Workflows in Excel can be found here.

2. Upload

When you have edited the content, you can drop it on the Data Upload dropzone to store the results in Scifeon.

3. After upload

After uploading, you can find your experiment data by clicking the Sample or Experiment items in the Browse menu:

You can also find them by using the Search function:

Clicking an entity allows you to inspect associated objects such as result values and you can link to the Step record that the result-set originated from by clicking the OriginID.

In this way you can move between associated entities such as Experiments, Steps, and Result sets. This workflow is visualized on the Experiment page:

Result-sets, Steps etc.

In Scifeon, "steps" and "experiments" form the backbone of the workflow tracking functionality. You can read more about them in the workflow section (Coming Soon) of the Data Management guide.

"Result-sets" are containers of results. They can contain any type of result, whether raw data, calculated results, or scientific interpretations. The result-set links the containing result into a context of parent results and origin steps, and they are used for controlling the release of results. You can read more about results and result-sets in the result model section (Coming Soon) of the Data Manager guide.